
Avantages de la machine à moudre le maïs de 50 tonnes par jour

 La fraiseuse à maïs 50t/24h est une machine puissante qui peut traiter 50 tonnes de maïs en 24 heures, le transformant en farine ou en d'autres produits. Cette machine utilise une technologie de pointe pour automatiser la production et fabriquer efficacement des produits à base de maïs de haute qualité.

L'un des grands avantages de ce moulin est son automatisation. Il peut alimenter, écraser, tamiser, moudre et emballer le maïs tout seul. Cela réduit le travail manuel et facilite le travail. La machine garde également un œil sur les choses pendant qu'elle fonctionne, s'assurant que les produits à base de maïs sortent toujours bien. 

Un autre point fort est la rapidité de fonctionnement de ce moulin. Ses pièces de broyage et de broyage décomposent rapidement le maïs, accélérant ainsi la production.

La fraiseuse à maïs 50t/24h est également idéale pour fabriquer différents types de produits. Les utilisateurs peuvent modifier les paramètres pour fabriquer de la farine de maïs de différentes tailles et qualités. Cela permet au moulin de répondre aux différents besoins des clients et de fonctionner pour de nombreuses industries.

La machine est également bien construite et facile à réparer. Ses pièces s'assemblent parfaitement, ce qui lui permet de fonctionner sans problème et de manière fiable. Lorsqu'une réparation est nécessaire, elle est généralement simple à effectuer. Cela permet de réduire les coûts de fonctionnement pour les utilisateurs.

Le moulin ne prend pas non plus trop de place. Sa conception est intelligente, regroupant beaucoup de puissance dans une machine compacte. Cela peut être utile pour les entreprises dont l'espace au sol est limité.

La sécurité est une autre caractéristique clé. Le moulin est doté de protections et d'arrêts d'urgence pour protéger les travailleurs. Il fonctionne également silencieusement, ce qui améliore l'environnement de travail.

Enfin, cette fraiseuse à maïs est économe en énergie. Elle utilise l'énergie de manière judicieuse, ce qui peut permettre d'économiser de l'argent sur les factures d'électricité au fil du temps.

En résumé, la fraiseuse à maïs 50t/24h est une machine de premier ordre pour le traitement du maïs. Elle est rapide, flexible et facile à utiliser. Pour les entreprises qui cherchent à moudre du maïs à grande échelle, cette machine offre une solution fiable et efficace. Elle contribue à faire progresser l'industrie de transformation du maïs grâce à ses fonctionnalités et capacités avancées.

#moulin à maïs #moulin à farine #farine de maïs #machine à moulin à maïs


How does Hongdefa send engineers to Africa under severe epidemic conditions

 In the past 2019 and 2020, hongdefa and hongdefa customers have had a very difficult period.

In these 2 years, although our hongdefa has won the hearts of customers and a large number of maize flour milling machine and wheat flour processing machine orders with excellent quality.

Installing 100T maize flour mill machine 

However, after the arrival of many customers' flour milling machines, they were delayed to install, which caused our installation pressure to double.

Due to the epidemic, there are few flights, and even many flights have been suspended. The epidemic in China and the epidemic in Africa have prevented our Chinese engineers from going to Africa to complete the flour processing machines installation work.


Although we have done a lot of work online to guide the customer's local engineers in the maize and wheat flour milling machines installation work, such as sending all the installation drawings to the customer, doing a lot of 3D drawings and animations, videos, and even direct face-to-face video guidance installation, but still can’t completely solve this installtion problem.

For example, the installation of 300T/24H corn milling machinery, 120T/24H corn milling machinery, 100T/24H wheat flour processing machine in Zimbabwe, many sets of 100T/24H maize milling plant and wheat flour milling plant in Ethiopia, 120T/24H corn milling machinery in Swaziland, 150T/24H maize milling plant in Malawi, etc. huge and complex projects that local African engineers cannot complete independently.

install 150T maize milling machine in Malawi             Installing 150T maize milling machine in Malawi 

The huge pressure of installation caused both hongdefa's engineers and the customer's local engineers a headache.


Fortunately, at the beginning of 2021, China had vaccines. We Hongdefa received the vaccine as soon as possible, and all employees were vaccinated.

At the beginning of 2021, the epidemic has also eased due to the vaccine. Flights are gradually recovering and increasing.

Our hongdefa also sent engineers to Africa to install maize and wheat flour processing machines at the first time.

However, headaches also follow.

Such as expensive air tickets and meeting all the requirements for taking a flight.


Expensive air tickets have put a lot of pressure on our Hongdefa customers. For the benefit of our customers, we Hongdefa decided to check the number of appointed engineers to reduce the customer's effort. The reduction in the number of engineers does not mean that the work will be reduced. On the contrary, the workload of the engineers will be greatly increased, but the decision is worthwhile.


Engineers need to apply for visas to Africa, and the embassy is very strict during this special period, which directly leads to the need for us to spend a lot of time to obtain visas.

Before taking a flight, engineers must do nucleic acid testing within 48 hours.

Time review is very strict, all we need to strictly enforce.

In addition, there are different requirements of various airlines.

The moment our Hongdefa engineers got on the plane, their journey had just begun.

The smooth completion of the maize and wheat flour milling machinery installation is something everyone is looking forward to.

Let our customers' machines run smoothly and put into production, is our ultimate goal.

When the engineers finished their work and was about to return home, another journey began.

We need to do nucleic acid testing locally with the help of our customers. After boarding the plane, you need to land in the transit country and do the nucleic acid test again. If the airport of the transit country does not have this capability, our engineers need to stay in the transit country for 3 days and 2 nights to wait for the test results.

The expenses in transit countries, such as accommodation, meals, testing, and transportation expenses, are all borne by Hongdefa.

At the moment the engineer landed in China, the airport bus will take the engineer directly to a specially isolated hotel for 14 days. After the quarantine, the engineer returned to his hometown and was quarantined in the hospital for 7 days before returning to his home.

All the above expenses shall be borne by hongdefa and the customer.


Although it is hard and difficult to go to Africa for installation and other work, everything we have done is worthwhile because we have been recognized by our customers and have given them great business help.

The success of their business is our Hongdefa happiest thing.

#flour processing machine #maize flour milling machine #corn milling machinery #maize milling plant #hongdefa

If you want to know more information about Hongdefa maize/corn flour milling machine,

Please contact: Penny

Mobile/Whatsapp: +8613722885205  



Meaningful activities - tree planting public welfare activities

 Spring is the season of gestating life, and all life is in the budding stage. On the afternoon of April 12th, our Shijiazhuang Hongdefa Machinery Co., Ltd. participated in a tree-planting public welfare activity with the theme of "School-enterprise cooperation to cultivate talents and discuss missions". This activity was carried out at the new campus of Hebei University of Foreign Languages in Yuanshi County. We work with the students of the school to add a little green to their new campus, our common home.

When the manager announced to all employees of the company to start the tree planting activity on April 12, the employees responded enthusiastically and positively. Many employees kept asking about the tree planting activity and the specific arrangements. I hope this special In the days, I expressed my love for the beautiful nature and support for this event. The theme of this event is "School-enterprise cooperation to cultivate talents and discuss missions." Many companies and schools contribute to the green.


The forest where we planted trees was named "Dream Park". Those who are in the forest are also wood; those who are wood are also lignum. High-level talents are the pillars of national construction, the soul of university survival, the origin of enterprise development, the integration of production and education, the joint construction of schools and enterprises, and the pride of the times with dreams and responsibilities.

We need to plant a large variety of small tree seedlings, and the planting area is large. At the beginning, everyone worked hard, digging holes, planting trees, and filling soil. But finally, we found that the trees that we planted were all arranged unevenly, and the small trees in the same area were all arranged unevenly. The types of saplings are also different, and everyone did not moisturize them when planting small saplings, which is not conducive to the survival of the saplings. Everyone pulled out the young sapling again.

After finding the problem, re-planning, after effective organization and arrangement, we grouped according to the previous group, and soon restarted planting trees. Some dig pits, some plant saplings, and some fill soil. Everyone is full of energy and full of energy. The meeting completed our company's tree planting task.

After everyone's efforts, a lot of trees have been planted in the originally bare open area. Looking at the neatly arranged tree saplings swaying in the spring breeze, and imagining that they will eventually thrive and cover one side after wind, frost, rain and snow, the hearts of my colleagues are happy to bloom. The small sapling that I planted will eventually become a towering tree. Finally, everyone took a group photo to commemorate, and our company employees held up their labor tools in their hands and cheered.

Generally speaking, this event was relatively successful. The main reason is that everyone has a strong sense of participation in this event. The most important thing is of course the positive attitude of colleagues, no matter how perfect the plan, no matter how rigorous the organization, without everyone’s participation, this activity is impossible to complete. The passion and vitality shown by the employees in this activity is The direct driving force for the success of this event was that there was an orderly process during the event. Everyone participated in the event with a happy mood. Only here to pay tribute to all employees of Shijiazhuang Hongdefa Machinery Co., Ltd.

For this tree planting activity, the employees felt very meaningful. This activity not only planted trees and afforested, beautified the environment, but also strengthened the communication between employees, enhanced the understanding between employees, and deepened mutual friendship. These small saplings planted together represent our company and new hope. They will grow together like the students in this school.

In short, I hope everyone can protect the trees, protect the woods, let the earth add a green, the sky will be covered with a layer of blue, and the air will become fresher!


Operation Of Wheat Flour Milling Roller Mill Machine

The same wheat flour production line, the same raw grain, and different operating skills will produce significantly different flour milling effects. As far as the grinding effect and equipment operation in wheat flour milling are concerned, good technology and equipment are the prerequisite, and the correct operation skills are the guarantee. Only in production practice, in strict accordance with the requirements of process design, comprehensive consideration and careful operation, can the overall effect of the process be brought into play.
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raw material wheat

1. Grinding effect of roller mill

The main equipment in the grinding process is the mill machine. In the process design, the grinding effect of the mill machine is measured by the stripping rate and the flour extraction rate. Its size is measured by an experimental sieve, but in the process of milling The size of the material is tested by observing the crushing condition of the material after grinding, and the degree of grinding is judged by analysis. In order to find out the problems in process, equipment and operation in time.

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roller mill 

1. Operating skills of the mill

Determine the best flow into the mill

Each flour path has a certain flow range. When the flow is too large, the uniformity of material crushing will decrease. If the flow is too small, it is easy to make the feeding state abnormal and the equipment work unstable. In the process of wheat flour milling, the best feed rate should be determined according to the condition of the raw grain. At the same time, it is necessary to combine the ambient temperature and humidity to detect the maximum inlet flow rate that can be reached at the time, and gradually adjust the flow to ensure that the materials are distributed to each system in the proportion required by the process design, so as to determine the best inlet flow rate.

After the optimal feed rate is determined, if the moisture, softness and hardness of the raw grain do not change much, it is not advisable to frequently adjust the feed rate to avoid disrupting the process balance and causing blockage and material drop. If the water content is uneven, the inlet flow rate should be adjusted appropriately. Generally, when the moisture deviates by 1% from the best water entering the mill, the flow of entering the mill should be reversely adjusted by about 10%. In addition, changes in seasons and climate also have a significant impact on the optimal grinding flow rate. When high temperature, high humidity, and low air pressure, the material is wet and sticky, the grinding flow rate should be appropriately reduced.

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3.Final summary

The grinding effect of the mill is affected by many factors such as the nature of the incoming material, the flow rate, the feeding effect, the operating parameters of the mill, the surface parameters and processing quality of the grinding roller, the assembly quality and cleaning effect of the grinding roller, and the operation index. To stabilize the grinding effect, ensure that the quality, flow, and particle size of the incoming materials are uniform. The working parameters of the mill are reasonable and accurate, and the operation is safe and reliable. The surface parameters of the mill should be adjusted appropriately according to the material properties, flow, grinding requirements, ambient temperature, humidity, etc. To improve equipment operating skills, we must strictly follow the regulations and indicators to perform fine operations. The skin mill system must achieve the target stripping. 

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While strictly controlling the stripping rate and powder extraction rate of each pass, it also controls the total stripping rate, powder extraction rate and the integrity of the bran. The heart mill system must achieve the target powder extraction, while ensuring that the bran flakes contained are not excessively broken, it also extracts the wheat flour of the corresponding quality and particle size in a targeted manner. Practice has proved that the quality of the obtained wheat flour is completely different by selectively grinding and extracting flour and non-selectively pulverizing and extracting flour. As far as wheat flour milling machine and machine operation are concerned, good craftsmanship and equipment are the prerequisite, and correct operation skills are the guarantee. Only in production practice, in strict accordance with the requirements of process design, comprehensive consideration, careful operation, more observation, more analysis, and more thinking. Only in this way can the best process effect be achieved, and the various economic and technical indicators can be guaranteed and improved, and the best effect of high quality, high extraction and high efficiency can be achieved.

Wheat flour mill machine project: 300T/24H wheat flour milling machine in Malaysia:

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300T/24H wheat flour milling machine in Malaysia

300T wheat flour mill in Afghanistan:
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300T wheat flour mill in Afghanistan

If you want to know more information about Hongdefa wheat flour milling machine.Please contact: Penny
Mobile/Whatsapp: +8613722885205  Web:www.hong-de-fa.com


How to find a professional maize milling machine factory in China?

African countries have a large population. As the staple food in African countries, maize flour has a huge market demand. With the development of economy, people's demand for staple food is higher and higher. The local small output maize flour mill machine has been unable to meet the needs of people. Some small output local maize mill is gradually eliminated, and large output maize mill occupies the market. In the case of the 2020 epidemic, many factories in other industries have been forced to close, but the flour mills are still running at full capacity. Because people can not work, but they have to eat every day. Flour mill business is daily business. Many investors see benefits. Customers who had been running the maize milling factory 1-5 years ago have made profits. Now we want to expand production. Some related to agriculture investor also want to be in maize mill business, then the investors want to find a real professional maize equipment manufacturer in China.How to find a professional maize milling machine factory in China?

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Foreign trade industry showed its products to customers through exhibitions. At the exhibition, the supplier met with the buyer to discuss. With the progress of information, now the network is developed, people can through some websites. Search online like Google or through Chinese supplier websites Alibaba, Made-In-China. There is also through the introduction of friends. In our search, we will find numerous suppliers, so how can we identify them?

When you search at the same time, you will find that there are too many suppliers with unbalanced strength, so how do we choose suppliers with unbalanced strength. Maize equipment is not like buying simple clothes or small commodities. This is a kind of large mechanical equipment, which can run for 20-30 years and will be passed on to our next generation. Therefore, choosing a strong supplier is the first condition. It is suggested to choose the supplier from the following aspects: whether it is a real factory or not. Supplier's strength, equipment and process improvement. African market office. Equipment and materials. Installation training service. Quality assurance services. Spare parts service. After sales service, successful project cases, etc.

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In consideration of the above comprehensive supplier characteristics. SHIJIAZHUANG HONGDEFA MACHINERY CO.,LTD stands out.

  • Flour mill professional factory with over 38-year experience.

Shijiazhuang Hongdefa Machinery Co.,Ltd is a professional manufacturer of wheat flour mill and maize mill,provide high quality machine from 500kg/h to 50ton/h with different design according to our client needs,with European technology,South Africa maize process,China wheat process, roll out unique and innovative wheat flour mill and maize mill plant.Since 1982, the Hongdefa machinery in flour mill industry. The factory is located in Wumashan industrial area, Zanhuang County, Shijiazhuang City, 4hours driving From Beijing.

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  1. Hongdefa Advanced Processing Equipment:
  2. Certificate:Hongefa all Flour mill machinery are high quality and have passed the certification of ISO, CE, BV, SGS and COC.
  3. Patent for Degerminator
  4. Lifelong oversea services:Since 2007, Hongdefa opened the branch office in Lusaka of Zambia,We also put an office in Addis ababa of Ethiopia, Kampala of Uganda.
  5. Pre-sales Consultation: Hongdefa Team can design the processing technology according to your requirements.
  6. Equipment Installation: Hongdefa professional technicians offer the guidance of installation, commissioning the machines,build up the workshop building and silos,and we can also help to reform the old workshop building as per customers’ condition.
  7. Training: Hongdefa professional technicians provides training workers of customers’ factory,which is helpful to guarantee the normal operation of the equipment and reduce its downtime. In this way, the quality of finished products will be guaranteed.
  8. Fixing and Maintenance: Hongdefa professional technical team can help solve any problem that occurs in customer’s flour production efficiently. We can do regular examinations to the equipment and offer you guidance on the equipment operation if you need. Our staff in Lusaka Office can go to see your site and machines directly and give some advise face to face.
  9. Spare Parts Supply:Normally Hongdefa will send you some wearing parts available for one-year operation of the equipment in our first order. When you are in need of new spare parts in the future, we can send directly from Lusaka/Zambia Office timely where have put a big storage room and delivery door to door.
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  • Experienced technician and sales team
  • Hongdefa Successful project 
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If you want to know more information about Hongdefa maize/corn flour milling machine,

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Please contact: Penny

Mobile/Whatsapp: +8613722885205 



How do we get customer recognition of flour mill machine?

1.Hongdefa factory

1)Our company is a professional manufacture of maize mill machine and wheat flour mill machine,we already have over 30 years experiences in flour mill market, we provide high quality machine different capacity with different design according to client needs,with European technology,South Africa maize process,China wheat process,roll out unique and innovative wheat flour mill and maize mill plant.

The head office of Shijiazhuang Hongdefa Machinery Co.,Ltd is located in Wumashan industrial area, Zanhuang County, Shijiazhuang City, 4hours driving From Beijing. Hongdefa has approximately 120 workers, a manufacturing factory 50000 square meters, and 5000 square meters of production workshop, 6000 square meters warehouses,1000 square meters of office space.No alt text provided for this image This is our workshop.

2).Our maize mill and wheat flour mill machines has different Patent: Drum Sifter 

Patent,Degerminator Patent and Gravity Table Patent. And our maize mill and 

wheat flour mill machines have passed ISO SGS BV CE certifications.


2.Hongdefa branch office

Hongdefa have branch office in three Africa countries:

Lusaka/Zambia,Kampala/Uganda,Addis Ababa/Ethiopia

In Zambia we have running 240t maize mill machine,

In Uganda we have running 50t maize mill showroom,

In Ethiopia we have running 120t maize mill machine,welcome to visit.

1)Our branch office manager can directly visit clients land,and make the design according to clients land and requirement.

2)After the start of operation of the machine plant, if the machine has problems or needs some spare parts, we can provide maintenance service and spare parts service

3. Hongdefa successful projects

Hongdefa has running maize milling machine and wheat flour mill machine in many countries,like Kenya,Zambia,Uganda,Tanzania,Nigeria,Ethiopia,South Africa,DR Congo,Zimbabwe and so on.

 No alt text provided for this image30T/24H maize mill machine in Kenya

 No alt text provided for this image150t maize mill machine in Malawi No alt text provided for this image82t wheat flour mill machine in EthiopiaNo alt text provided for this image 240t maize mill machine in Zambi

4.After-sales service

Hongdefa have 20 super sales representatives,and a overseas installation team,include 25 professional high-level engineers,68 engineers.And now we have engineer installing 100t maize mill machine in Zambia.

We can arrange a professional engineer to go to your city to guide the installation, test the machine for you and can also train your workers on how to maintain and use the machine.In addition, we pay an annual insurance 

fee of 30,000USD to ensure the safety of our overseas installation teams.


Phone/Whatsapp: +86 13722885205



Hongdefa #flourmill #maizemill #wheatflourmill #maizemilling 


Introduction of Hongdefa Complete Maize Flour Milling Machine

 The complete maize flour milling machine is a complete production line. 

It specializes in processing and producing refined low-fat maize flour and maize grits using maize as the raw material.

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240tons maize mill plant in Angola

The main supporting machine: High efficiency sieve, Gravity classification stoner, Moisture damper, Degerminator, Hammer mill, Roller mill, Plansifter, High pressure pulse dust collector, Screw conveyor,Touch Screen/PLC control panel etc.

Technical characteristics

● Adopting advanced processing technology, cleaning, degerminating, milling, sifting and maize flour packing. It can produce 2-3 kinds of final products with different sizes and low-fat at the same time. They are maize flour, maize grits, maize meal,etc.

●The maize flour and maize grits produced by this complete set of processing machine contain germs, less skin, good taste, rich nutrition, bright color, long shelf life, good quality and high flour extraction rate.

●The complete set of maize flour milling machine is divided into three parts:

1. Raw maize cleaning part, ( removing stone,dampening and degerminating):


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The destoner is applied for efficient separation of stones and pebbles, glass, and other high-density matter from the stream of grain. It can remove all the impurity, such as steel, stones, ropes and so on.


The damper is an important piece of equipment to control the water content of the maize during maize cleaning in maize flour mills. It is the stainless steel, and it will not rusty, the working life is longer than the steel one.


Degerminator with Japan technology, is designed to ‘scrub’ the bran skin from the maize kernel and to dislodge the germ from its cavity, with the minimum reduction in size of the broken fragments.


2. Maize milling parts:

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Our roller mill works together with hammer mill. The quality of the final product can be maintained at a high level. The quality of the maize flour is particularly stable.

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 Maize milling machine with stainless steel pipes

And we use stainless steel pipes which is very strong, and the working life is three times that of ordinary pipes.

In the plansifter, we will give you different hole size of mesh screens, to get the different size of final products.

3. Control part:

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The control system is the Touch Screen smart control system/ PLC auto control system. it is more convenience for control all the machines working.

the screen is the best quality in China. and the sensor we use Schneider and Mitsubishi.

●It adopts a steel frame platform structure, which has lower power consumption than a flat layout and higher output. The steel platform has fine workmanship and beautiful appearance.

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These are maize milling machines, we installed in Nigeria, Malawi, Angola, Zambia and Zimbabwe. They are 100t/24h, 150t/24h, 240t/24h and 300t/24h maize milling machines.

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100tons per 24h maize mill plant loading

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300t/24h maize mill plant loading

These are the photos of our factory's 100t/24h and 300t/24h maize mill plant shipped last week.

For the capacity, we have high quality maize mill machine from 5t/24h to 500t/24h.

If you are interested, please contact us. And welcome you visit our factory.



Website: www.hong-de-fa.com


Avantages de la machine à moudre le maïs de 50 tonnes par jour

  La fraiseuse à maïs 50t/24h est une machine puissante qui peut traiter 50 tonnes de maïs en 24 heures, le transformant en farine ou en d&...